Melton ASU – Your annual leave will be updated soon

28 March 2024

Congratulations! Thanks to your advocacy, your Annual Leave is now secure.

Some of you noticed earlier this year that the two extra days of Annual Leave in your Enterprise Agreement was not being honoured.

We tried asking Melton nicely to fix this, but they would not provide clear timelines for a solution.

So yesterday, we took them to the Fair Work Commission. With the help of the Commissioner, we got Melton to agree to communicate with you “in the next day or two” – so hopefully by COB Thursday.

What will they communicate?

Melton will email you this week to say:
  • Some staff have already had their leave balances corrected.
  • All remaining staff will have their leave balances corrected in the next 2 pay cycles, with a definite end date around 1 May.
  • IMPORTANT: they will confirm that you can use your extra annual leave AT ANY TIME, even before the payslip issue is fixed.
So, how much annual leave do I have?
  • If you have already been told that your leave balance has been corrected, then your payslip should be correct.
  • If you have NOT been given an update about your leave balance, then you have whatever leave is in your payslip, PLUS roughly a day and a half, pro-rata.
    So, for example, if you work 3 days a week (which is 0.6 of a Full Time workload), then you should have:
    • 1.5 (a day and a half) x 0.6 (your workload) = 0.9 days
    • This is on top of any annual leave in your payslip.
The ASU is by your side. Talk to a co-worker about the importance of union membership and ask them to join the ASU at

For further information or to become a Delegate:
ASU Organiser Georgia Symons | 0477 666 328 | [email protected]