City of Launceston ASU Meetings

09 April 2024

ASU organiser Jess Cassidy will be visiting City of Launceston to touch base with both members and non-members.

This will be an opportunity to voice any concerns you may have and to also to join the union if you are not already a member.

DATE: Thursday 11 April
TIME: 8.00am
VENUE: Remount Road Depot (this also extends to those working at Utas Stadium and any Parks Static sites i.e. Basin, City Park, Punchbowl, Royal Park and CBD)

DATE: Thursday 11 April
TIME: 9.30pm
VENUE: QVMAG Inveresk (this also extends to those working at Royal Park)

DATE: Thursday 11 April
TIME: 11.00am
VENUE: Carr Villa

**Further meetings will be happening at Waste Centre, Parking, Cleansing Team and Town Hall on Wednesday 17 April.**

Please share this invite with your colleagues and encourage them to come along.

The ASU is by your side. Bring along a co-worker and ask them to join the ASU at

For further information please contact:
ASU Organiser Jess Cassidy | [email protected]