City of Melbourne Parking Services Win

05 April 2024

On 27 March 2024, ASU members met to discuss the proposed Parking Officer KPIs.

At this meeting, ASU members endorsed the following resolution:
For reasons of being unreasonable management action and the occupational health and safety impacts – including the sense of pressure associated with KPIs, mental health (including anxiety, stress, fatigue and fear), general wellbeing, physical and verbal threats from the community, interpersonal impacts with colleagues, increased workload and lack of discretion in work – City of Melbourne Parking Officers reject the imposition of a PIN KPI.

ASU wrote to CoM and advised them that Parking Officers would not accept the KPI and requested that CoM Commit to not implementing them. You can download the letter here .

Yesterday, CoM informed the ASU that the KPIs will not be implemented !

A massive win to all ASU members and an amazing demonstration of union power at CoM!

Union really does equal power!

The ASU is by your side. Talk to a co-worker about the importance of union membership and ask them to join the ASU at

If you require assistance please contact the ASU Member Contact Centre via [email protected] or 1300 855 570 in the first instance with all individual queries or matters.