Yarra Plenty Regional Library SNAP Meeting

10 May 2024


DATE: Monday 13 May
TIME: 1.30pm-2.30pm
ONLINE MEETING on MS Teams - Join the meeting now

Your ASU delegates are keen to see lots of people tuning in on Monday to discuss two things:

  1. Make sure staff voices are heard from the start of the Public Participation leadership review.
    Have you seen the eNews from management? They’re saying that just SIX staff will be offered the opportunity to feed in to the early stages of the Public Participation leadership review. They’ve told you that staff will have other opportunities to contribute down the track… but don’t wait till all the decisions have already been made! ASU members are getting together to propose feedback on the current structure and what could be done better through the review. Join us online and have your say!

  2. Contribute to YOUR Consultative Committee
    Your staff reps have been doing great work through the Consultative Committee. Come and hear some updates on what has been happening since the last meeting, and bring along your ideas on what you’d like the committee to look at next.
Looking forward to seeing you online on Monday! And any non-members who are curious about joining are welcome to attend the start of the meeting.

The ASU is by your side. Talk to a co-worker about the importance of union membership and ask them to join the ASU at https://www.asuvictas.com.au/VICTAS/Join

For further information or to become a Delegate please contact:
ASU Organiser Georgia Symons | 0477 666 328 | [email protected] | Where is my organiser today?