VicRoads Agency Staff Update - Same Job Same Pay

07 March 2024

ASU representatives have been visiting worksites to discuss the new ‘same job same pay’ provisions. We have been overwhelmed by agency staff who are keen to get on board with our campaign to get something done about their pay rates.

Under these laws, if you are employed by an agency or labour hire company, and you are working at a workplace where there is an Enterprise Agreement that covers directly employed staff, then you need to be paid the rates set out in that Agreement. And we know that agency staff at VicRoads are being paid well below the casual rates set out in EA9.

ASU will soon be making an application to the Fair Work Commission to get this started, and we will keep members updated of our progress.

We were disappointed to see some communication from Management today, that claimed we were spreading ‘misinformation’. The information we have provided is 100% accurate, and we are careful to ensure that this is so.

Whilst it is true that orders from the Fair Work Commission cannot take effect until 1 November this year, these orders can be made now, and we can lodge our application now. And there is nothing to stop VicRoads and the Agencies from sitting down with us straight away to discuss how we can resolve this matter. We encourage them to do so – we are more than happy to meet with them to try to progress this matter.

For further information please contact:
ASU Organiser Matt Price | [email protected]

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