TasNetworks EA Update

07 June 2024

The SBU (Single Bargaining Unit – comprising ASU, CEPU & Professionals) did not attend this week’s bargaining meeting.

We did not refuse to attend, but rather, in order to effectively negotiate your classification structure and wages, we requested the meeting be postponed to allow proper review of information provided late by TasNetworks.

It is quite common for either side to request to postpone or reschedule meetings during bargaining. However, TasNetworks refused to accommodate our reasonable request, instead choosing to proceed with the meeting thereby denying representation at the bargaining table for the majority of TasNetworks employees.

TasNetworks are very good wordsmiths with their updates sounding reasonable and fair; like they have your best interests at heart. Don’t be fooled, their highly-paid external communications consultants are great at spin, but TasNetworks will still say no at every chance. They said no to the unions requesting a change to the meeting, no to the workers having representation and they will say no to a fair deal for you.

Talking about spin, don’t be taken in by their latest EA update which says TasNetworks Disputes and Consultation clauses are very similar to the model clauses. The model clauses are the most basic legal term required by Fair Work Commission in every EA. Our proposed clauses offer far better protections for workers in relation to genuine consultation and the ability to take any dispute, related to your employment conditions, to the independent umpire (Fair Work).

Given the events of this week, now is the time to encourage your colleagues to join your union.

We’re stronger together. Ask a co-worker to join the ASU to get a better deal on your enterprise agreement. It’s easy to join at https://www.asuvictas.com.au/VICTAS/Join

For further information please contact:
ASU Organiser Karen Tantari | 0472 512 484 | [email protected]