Restructuring the Restructure – ASU member voices heard by MVCC

03 April 2024

In a display of solidarity and strategic prowess, members of the ASU at MVCC have secured significant wins as part of a restructure of the Arts & Culture department. Facing proposals based on recommendations from a consultant unfamiliar with the nuances of their work, union members banded together to advocate for their interests.

Members submitted detailed feedback encompassing the perspectives of each team within the department. Member feedback included reports from each of the three teams in the unit, along with line-by-line critiques of Position Descriptions.

Their efforts bore fruit as crucial positions were safeguarded, some roles were upgraded to higher pay grades, and others were awarded expanded FTE. The tangible impact of these members’ advocacy underscores the power of collective action and the importance of informed, detailed engagement by union members in change processes.

Congratulations are in order for our ASU members in the MVCC Arts & Culture unit