Moira Shire Council ASU Update: VOTE YES

22 March 2024

ASU members at Moira Shire Council have secured one of the best pay increases in LG across the state. A massive congratulations to all members is in order.

But first, we need to get this deal across the line.

The ballot opens next week at 6am on Tuesday 26 March and closes 6pm on Thursday 28 March. You can vote over the internet or by telephone.

The ballot is only open for 54 hours so if there are issues, we need to deal with them ASAP.

If you have any issues or questions about voting immediately contact:
ASU Delegates Tricia, Jeremy or Penny
ASU Organiser Shane Lumsden | [email protected]
ASU Lead Organiser Phillipa Balk | [email protected]

The ASU is by your side. Talk to a co-worker about the importance of union membership and ask them to join the ASU at