Mapping for Power

03 April 2024

For ASU Delegates and Activists, mapping can be an incredible tool to build power and ASU membership.

But what is it?
Mapping involves collating data to see a real-time picture of union membership and activity. It shows where your ASU strength is, and where there are areas for growth. It can also be tailored to help identify who might work with you on making things better at work, or nominating as a delegate.

But don’t just take our word for it
We recently asked Community Legal Centre worker and proud ASU member Eirene Tsolidis-Noyce about her experience with mapping. Here’s what she had to say:

    ‘As an ASU member and activist, mapping has always been the best place to start organising my workplace. The process of seeing who's already with you in the Union, and where there are gaps, helps build stronger connections with your workmates and keeps us from feeling like we're experiencing things alone.

    Learning about my workmates in the process makes me realise how much we share in common, not just as workers but as people with lives outside of our work, who genuinely care about each other. 

    Through mapping we've been able to build the safety net that keeps us all looking out for each other, and able to stand up against it together. Plus, we've been able to triple the membership of our Union in only a few weeks!’

If you’re interested in learning more about mapping workplaces, subsectors or regions, contact your ASU Organiser today! And if you’re a Delegate, register for your initial or refresher training, where you’ll learn all about mapping.

The ASU is by your side. Talk to a co-worker about the importance of union membership and ask them to join the ASU at