Devonport City Council ASU bargaining update and important member meetings

26 April 2024

Your ASU bargaining team returned to the bargaining table on Wednesday. Management has agreed to consider and reply to the counteroffer put forward. 

Your bargaining team will meet again on Tuesday.

All members from all worksites are strongly encouraged to attend the following paid time meeting to discuss the offer. 

DATE: Wednesday 1 May 
TIME: 3:45pm 
LOCATION: Works Depot 

Council are determined to push to a vote. And it is YOU who will have the final say.

Let's hope it's an offer we can all get behind. 

If it is not, this meeting will need to consider and endorse the next steps. 

The ASU is by your side. We are strong together and united: Encourage a colleague to join: 

For further information please contact: 
Kath Milbourne | ASU organiser | 
Samantha Batchelor | ASU Tasmanian coordinator | [email protected]