Berry St: Is there a hole in the bucket?

01 March 2024

The ASU is aware of the recent email from acting CEO Jenny McNaughton regarding Berry St’s financial situation. It’s hard to know what the intention of this email was, as it seems to have just created unnecessary uncertainty and anxiety for staff. Many members have told us they are worried about what this means for their jobs.

The email mentions "financial pressure" and a focus on "financial sustainability." However, according to the latest financial report, Berry St experienced a 20 million dollar increase in revenue from the 2022 to 2023 financial year. Despite this increase, Berry St reported an almost 6 million dollar increase in the deficit.

Importantly, CEO and Executive pay rose by about 12.6% from 2022-2023.

There might be many legitimate reasons why the deficit increased despite a significant revenue increase, but right now we don’t know why.

The ASU will raise these questions directly with Berry St and seek further clarification on their financial situation at the next Enterprise Agreement bargaining meeting on 6 March 2024.

Now, more than ever, it’s important for all staff to pay attention to what’s happening.

Your Delegates will hold a union meeting shortly after the next bargaining meeting so look out for the invite and make sure any colleagues who are not in the union attend.

We’re stronger together. Ask a co-worker to join the ASU to get a fairer deal on your enterprise agreement. It’s easy to join at  

For further information please contact:
ASU Organiser Kerman Daruwalla | 0437 035 721 | [email protected]