Bass Coast SC meetings re health and safety - Tuesday 26 March 

14 March 2024

All Bass Coast workers are invited to meet with ASU organisers Colin Houghton, Martin “Macca” McDonald and Clay O’Brien on Tuesday 26 March to continue discussions on workplace issues, upcoming EBA negotiations, and health and safety.

DATE: Tuesday 26 March
TIME: 7am
VENUE: Wonthaggi Depot

DATE: Tuesday 26 March
TIME: 10am
VENUE: Corporate Centre – Meeting Room 9

After our last meeting, Colin Houghton wrote to BCSC to express concerns about a recent risk assessment and the fear of raising health and safety concerns due to potentially being targeted or punished.

You can read our letter here. 

We have received the following response:

[BCSC is] especially concerned at the suggestion of victimisation, discrimination, threats and disciplinary action towards any employee who submits a report of an OHS incident or hazard. Council has a zero tolerance for the reported behaviours and will commit to investigating and improving the culture towards reporting.

The ASU will continue to support our members to raise and resolve any risks to health and safety in the workplace. At our meeting on Tuesday 26 March we will continue discussions about the Hino Trucks, including what changes are needed to ensure workers are safe.

It is never ok for workers to be harmed by their work, workplace or working environment, and this includes any plant or substances you use as part of your job.

All workers are encouraged to register their exposure to any potentially harmful substances, chemicals and dusts on the National Asbestos, Silica, Chemicals, Fumes and Dusts Register that is maintained by Maurice Blackburn Lawyers. Click here.

This will ensure there is an independent record of any potentially harmful substances you may be exposed to in the workplace.

The meeting on 26 March will be important to continue discussions about workplace issues that matter to you – including health and safety and your pay and conditions of employment. All workers are encouraged to attend. Macca will also be dropping in to several BCSC sites throughout the day to discuss the ASU log of claims for the enterprise agreement.

Follow this QR code for a survey about your EBA.

We’re stronger together. Ask a co-worker to join the ASU to get a better deal on your enterprise agreement.

It’s easy to join at

For more information please contact: ASU organiser Colin Houghton | 0475 553 996 |[email protected]