BARGAINING UPDATE & Solidarity to Metro workers on strike TODAY

15 March 2024

We know Metro have been asking you in the lead up to negotiations to find savings to put forward at the bargaining table.

You deserve fair pay and conditions.

Your ASU Bargaining team will be at the table again next week and will update members.

By the way, we've found plenty of savings. Metro have increased their spend on lawyers and consultants by 500% in the last 5 years totalling $1.47m.

It seems the priorities of Metro are to double the number of expensive consultants and lawyers instead of supporting their own workers.

If you can't roster or support the operations of a bus, you can't keep buses on the road and if you can't staff the Metro shop or answer the calls you can't service the public's needs.

We called this out in the Mercury newspaper this week.

We know the issues at Metro aren't just refined to bus drivers and mechanics and frontline workers are all in this together.

So if you can, take a short break, pop outside and join us in solidarity tomorrow supporting the Metro mechanics. Look for the ASU flags.

DATE: Friday 15 March
TIME: 12pm
VENUE: Outside Springfield Metro Depot, Main Road Moonah

For further information please contact:
ASU Tasmanian Coordinator Sam Batchelor | [email protected]