All staff union briefing at Djirra

15 March 2024

The ASU would like to invite you to a meeting where we will be discussing union membership and current ASU campaigns as well as any other matters arising.

This will be a great opportunity for both members and non-members to come together to talk about current issues at Djirra and come up with possible solutions with the support of ASU Organiser Kerry Davies.

DATE: Wednesday 20 March
TIME: 12pm - 1pm
VENUE: 35 Oxford St, Collingwood

Your colleagues are relying on you to join them to discuss how to improve your working lives using your collective voice

The ASU is by your side. Bring along a co-worker and ask them to join the ASU at  

Together, let’s plan the best path forward to make Djirra the best workplace it can be.

For further information please contact:
ASU Organiser Kerry Davies | 0477 111 129 | [email protected]