Poor Organisational Change Management

Poor organisational change management is when workplace changes are poorly planned, communicated, supported, or managed.

Any workplace change can be stressful, and this is why rights to consultation are included in industrial instruments (either your enterprise agreement or award) and in the Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004 (Vic). In addition to your rights to genuine and effective consultation, when organisational change management is poorly communicated, implemented or handled it can become a psychosocial hazard.

This includes not being consulted on with workplace changes, changes that do not make sense or are confusing, workplace changes being poorly planned or communicated, and not receiving adequate support regarding the changes. Job demands and other work-related pressures – and their impacts on employees – should also be considered whilst change management processes are underway.

Importantly, there is a difference between ‘communication’ (being advised that something is going to happen) and ‘consultation’ (an opportunity to provide feedback and having input before a decision is made or implemented). Even though consultation is not a right of veto – employers are not required to agree with you – they must consider your proposals or ideas, and they should be able to clearly explain why they have made a particular decision.

Employers must consider not just what change is being made, but also how that process is managed and what the impact will be on employees and put in place effective controls to reduce the stress and harm caused by a change process.

Poor organisational change management can have severe consequences for both physical and mental health, and it is important that issues or concerns – particularly as they relate to the health and safety of employees – are raised and appropriately addressed early, and at every stage throughout a process (before, during and afterwards).

Download “Surveying Safety: Poor organisational change management in the workplace ” to identify the risk in your workplace.