Ballarat City Council work bans update

08 May 2024

ASU members voted last week to commence industrial action starting Thursday this week.

Your delegates are co-ordinating industrial action in each work area. Please make sure you contact your delegate to discuss action in your area. Here is an example of actions being undertaken in the coming days in each area but it is not a comprehensive list. These actions will be changed every few days!

Notice requirements
Some work areas are being asked to identify what work bans are being put in place. The ASU has provided formal notice to the Council. This notice covers you and you are not required to provide further notice.

All ASU members across Art Gallery, Tourism, School crossing, indoor and more will be:
  • Writing temporary messages about the union campaign on school crossing shelters, Council vehicle windows and Council building windows.
  • Ban on attending meetings or briefings.
  • Hand out flyers to residents and members of the public.

Library specific
Place flyers in library users books on holds shelf and displaying union posters on union boards and in public areas.

Street cleaning specific
Work bans on street sweeping, footpath, loose litter and street litter collection in particularly high traffic area.

Parking specific
Issuing warnings for parking infringements, no fines to be issued across the Council area.

Parks and gardens specific
Restrictions on mowing across the Council and loose litter collection in key areas.

And much, much more.

Keep in touch with your ASU delegates: Manny Mason, Dick Ryan, Mia Peardon, Ben Vanderberg, Trevor Greenwood, Jason Goldsmith, Jordyn Smith, Jane Howe, Jake Strickland, Matt Deeks.

If you don’t have a delegate in your area please contact:
ASU Organiser Georgia Birch | 0436 844 023